
Support the draft!

It’s possible to contribute directly to the project making a donation from the website or through the crowdfunding “Produzioni dal basso” platform, the italian first one, active since 2005!




Clicking on the bottom



you can help me to realize the project. To show you my gratitude, you receive the following credit or gift, based on your donation.


– With a 25,00 euro donation  your name will be quote on the thanks pages on the web site, or on FB, Twitter, Google+.

– With a 100,00 euro donation  (dispatch fees included) your name will be quote on the thanks pages on the web site, or on FB, Twitter, Google+, and you’ll receive as gift a beautiful  T-SHIRT  with “onoS oI” logo.

– with a  250,00 euro donation (dispatch fees included) your name will be quote on the thanks pages on the web site, or on FB, Twitter, Google+, and you’ll receive as gift a beautiful  T-SHIRT  with “onoS oI” logo and the prescious signed book.




With a 500,00 euro donation, (+30,00 euro for the dispatch fees)  your company will have:

  1. your logo on the web site page dedicated to the companies
  2. also on the FB, Twitter, Google+ social pages
  3. on all the  exhibition posters (in a smaller format formato ridotto compared to the PRO ADVANCED sponsor)
  4. 2 copies of the precious signed book


With a 1.000 euro donation, (+30,00 euro for the dispatch fees)  your company will have:

  1. your logo on the web site page dedicated to the companies
  2. also on the FB, Twitter, Google+ social pages
  3. on all the  videos published on the YouTube channel dedicated to the project
  4. on all the  exhibition posters
  5. 2 copies of the precious signed book
  6. inside all the books copies will be included your company logo, in A4 “paper add” form
  7. all the Sponsors Advanced will be mentioned on every vernissage and presentation of the project



You can be donate by a bank credit transfer for this option.

To have more informations about this option you can send an e-mail to:

To ensure that all the project could be realized and exhibited, we need to achieve an aim of 45.000 euro at least.

Support the draft!

Thank you all again,






Related words

photography exhibitions, photographic exhibition, traveling photography exhibition, art exhibitions, contemporary art exhibitions, photography exhibitions, contemporary art, art and photography, modern art, photographic exhibitions, photographic exhibitions in progress, Italy exhibitions, artistic performance, performative art, play artist , art projects

crowdfunding ultima modifica: 2017-01-30T20:36:52+00:00 da Francesco Mazza